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2023-24 College Cheer Rules Changes

2023-24 College Cheer Rules Changes

2023-24 College Cheer Rules Changes  Copter cheer (1).jpg

USA Cheer’s College Cheerleading Rules Committee has voted through several proposals for the 2023-24 school year.

The committee received proposals through the public portal and educational service providers, then sent the proposals to over 300 college coaches across the spectrum of college divisions and team makeup for their input and feedback.

Rules changes include:

1.minor changes and clarifications regarding spotters, signs, and dismounts.

2.allowing additional releases to inverted positions.

3.allowing flips from stunts to land in vertical stunts, similar to pyramids.

4.allowing a front/side pyramid spotter to have one hand under the foot of a middle layer for added stability.

5.allowing either required spotter for a pyramid to move to catch a cradle.

6.revised indoor restriction on cupies/awesomes with a spotter.

As with all cheerleading skills, programs should consider any new skill in relation to the individual’s and group’s ability level, with an emphasis on proficiency in lead-up skills before progression.

The 2023-24 USA Cheer College Cheerleading Rules can be found at https://usacheer.org/college-cheer.

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Email: damon@coptercheer.com

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